Sequence Statistics

No Sequences18191
No Amino Acids8161757
Min Seq. Length20
Avg. Seq. Length448.670
Max Seq. Length8776
Seq. Length 1σ458.267

Disorder Prediction Statistics

Predictor % Genome Disordered % Genome Disordered in SCOP Domains Avg. % of Seq. Disordered Avg. % of Disordered Regions in SCOP Domains Avg. % of Seq. Disordered and in SCOP Domains
VLXT 31.839 7.851 31.615 35.151 8.528
VSL2b 40.736 9.176 40.784 32.798 10.480
PrDOS 38.527 6.214 37.845 26.980 6.841
PV2 45.173 11.562 47.589 34.199 13.643
IUPred-S 18.355 1.856 18.780 20.490 2.474
IUPred-L 20.666 2.136 23.143 24.901 2.888
Espritz-N 28.508 5.007 26.649 28.722 5.141
Espritz-X 17.714 1.511 19.186 18.873 2.312
Espritz-D 7.939 0.918 38.593 14.579 8.485


% Amino Acids with SCOP Assignment % Sequences with SCOP Assignment No of Domains No of Superfamilies No of Families Avg. Family Size Avg. Domain Length Domain Pairs Unique Domain Architectures
47 69 24785 1052 1199 23.6 449 1306 4209

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