Cacao may refer to:

Sequence Statistics

No Sequences34996
No Amino Acids14448078
Min Seq. Length1
Avg. Seq. Length412.849
Max Seq. Length5470
Seq. Length 1σ335.457

Disorder Prediction Statistics

Predictor % Genome Disordered % Genome Disordered in SCOP Domains Avg. % of Seq. Disordered Avg. % of Disordered Regions in SCOP Domains Avg. % of Seq. Disordered and in SCOP Domains
VLXT 27.511 6.001 28.338 23.090 5.487
VSL2b 33.244 5.642 35.097 19.977 5.294
PrDOS 34.984 4.065 37.640 14.142 3.782
PV2 34.601 5.995 40.592 19.742 6.152
IUPred-S 13.734 0.874 15.496 9.776 0.992
IUPred-L 14.117 0.969 17.914 15.119 1.313
Espritz-N 23.097 3.326 23.791 17.718 3.020
Espritz-X 13.409 0.696 16.258 7.487 0.887
Espritz-D 5.652 0.326 39.014 5.963 2.919


% Amino Acids with SCOP Assignment % Sequences with SCOP Assignment No of Domains No of Superfamilies No of Families Avg. Family Size Avg. Domain Length Domain Pairs Unique Domain Architectures
44 56 28934 960 814 30.1 413 1073 3712

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