Ustilago maydis
Eukaryota; Fungi; Basidiomycota; Ustilaginomycetes; Ustilaginomycetidae; Ustilaginales; Ustilaginaceae; Ustilago
Corn smut is a plant disease caused by the pathogenic fungus Mycosarcoma maydis, synonym Ustilago maydis. One of several cereal crop pathogens called smut, the fungus forms galls on all above-ground parts of corn species such as maize and teosinte. The infected corn is edible; in Mexico, it is considered a delicacy, called huitlacoche, often eaten as a filling in quesadillas and other tortilla-based dishes, as well as in soups.
Sequence Statistics
No Sequences | 6522 |
No Amino Acids | 3993690 |
Min Seq. Length | 20 |
Avg. Seq. Length | 612.341 |
Max Seq. Length | 5431 |
Seq. Length 1σ | 454.056 |
Disorder Prediction Statistics
Predictor | % Genome Disordered | % Genome Disordered in SCOP Domains | Avg. % of Seq. Disordered | Avg. % of Disordered Regions in SCOP Domains | Avg. % of Seq. Disordered and in SCOP Domains |
VLXT | 42.169 | 6.522 | 39.780 | 22.744 | 7.099 |
VSL2b | 49.979 | 5.873 | 47.532 | 19.744 | 6.672 |
PrDOS | 48.271 | 4.221 | 45.924 | 15.173 | 4.672 |
PV2 | 55.310 | 7.590 | 53.604 | 21.199 | 8.366 |
IUPred-S | 27.693 | 1.461 | 25.610 | 11.836 | 1.802 |
IUPred-L | 33.903 | 2.113 | 30.947 | 16.308 | 2.517 |
Espritz-N | 43.782 | 4.840 | 39.556 | 19.104 | 5.062 |
Espritz-X | 30.111 | 1.255 | 28.331 | 8.718 | 1.589 |
Espritz-D | 8.503 | 0.291 | 21.368 | 4.772 | 1.867 |
% Amino Acids with SCOP Assignment | % Sequences with SCOP Assignment | No of Domains | No of Superfamilies | No of Families | Avg. Family Size | Avg. Domain Length | Domain Pairs | Unique Domain Architectures |
33 | 61 | 5954 | 828 | 623 | 7.2 | 612 | 595 | 1900 |