Sequence Statistics

No Sequences2273
No Amino Acids687399
Min Seq. Length45
Avg. Seq. Length302.419
Max Seq. Length2552
Seq. Length 1σ203.562

Disorder Prediction Statistics

Predictor % Genome Disordered % Genome Disordered in SCOP Domains Avg. % of Seq. Disordered Avg. % of Disordered Regions in SCOP Domains Avg. % of Seq. Disordered and in SCOP Domains
VLXT 24.185 13.010 24.907 47.724 13.181
VSL2b 19.546 8.027 21.066 39.753 8.423
PrDOS 17.653 4.845 19.838 30.907 5.119
PV2 26.947 9.090 29.654 39.539 9.521
IUPred-S 5.688 1.524 7.205 23.946 2.013
IUPred-L 4.031 1.394 7.192 44.626 2.670
Espritz-N 9.297 3.597 9.952 33.275 3.541
Espritz-X 5.087 0.913 6.781 19.251 1.369
Espritz-D 3.000 1.235 52.848 37.188 24.576


% Amino Acids with SCOP Assignment % Sequences with SCOP Assignment No of Domains No of Superfamilies No of Families Avg. Family Size Avg. Domain Length Domain Pairs Unique Domain Architectures
59 65 2095 557 313 3.8 302 307 776

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