Sequence Statistics

No Sequences17173
No Amino Acids7857538
Min Seq. Length50
Avg. Seq. Length457.552
Max Seq. Length3912
Seq. Length 1σ336.591

Disorder Prediction Statistics

Predictor % Genome Disordered % Genome Disordered in SCOP Domains Avg. % of Seq. Disordered Avg. % of Disordered Regions in SCOP Domains Avg. % of Seq. Disordered and in SCOP Domains
VLXT 35.789 6.770 34.698 26.989 7.334
VSL2b 38.134 5.399 37.053 23.775 6.036
PrDOS 38.147 4.065 37.355 19.184 4.491
PV2 45.204 7.492 44.995 25.272 8.237
IUPred-S 20.319 1.378 19.461 14.656 1.698
IUPred-L 23.308 1.735 23.679 21.150 2.148
Espritz-N 32.396 4.260 30.020 22.625 4.317
Espritz-X 19.235 0.970 19.110 11.164 1.305
Espritz-D 6.430 0.401 24.361 7.414 3.935


% Amino Acids with SCOP Assignment % Sequences with SCOP Assignment No of Domains No of Superfamilies No of Families Avg. Family Size Avg. Domain Length Domain Pairs Unique Domain Architectures
36 55 13067 864 652 15.1 458 724 2483

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