Sequence Statistics

No Sequences3451
No Amino Acids1140759
Min Seq. Length30
Avg. Seq. Length330.559
Max Seq. Length2500
Seq. Length 1σ225.568

Disorder Prediction Statistics

Predictor % Genome Disordered % Genome Disordered in SCOP Domains Avg. % of Seq. Disordered Avg. % of Disordered Regions in SCOP Domains Avg. % of Seq. Disordered and in SCOP Domains
VLXT 27.571 14.478 29.025 47.621 13.624
VSL2b 21.568 9.222 23.762 40.548 8.706
PrDOS 19.703 5.711 23.432 30.636 5.528
PV2 31.920 12.856 35.578 42.305 12.091
IUPred-S 8.013 2.313 10.140 26.033 2.446
IUPred-L 7.522 2.856 10.636 44.130 3.322
Espritz-N 14.585 6.202 15.511 37.287 5.365
Espritz-X 7.748 1.365 10.700 18.678 1.740
Espritz-D 3.755 0.881 48.511 19.449 12.140


% Amino Acids with SCOP Assignment % Sequences with SCOP Assignment No of Domains No of Superfamilies No of Families Avg. Family Size Avg. Domain Length Domain Pairs Unique Domain Architectures
62 68 3680 722 534 5.1 334 484 1123

Discussion about Asticcacaulis excentricus CB 48