Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 4.0
Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Chlorophyta; Chlorophyceae; Volvocales; Chlamydomonadaceae; Chlamydomonas
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a single-cell green alga about 10 micrometres in diameter that swims with two flagella. It has a cell wall made of hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins, a large cup-shaped chloroplast, a large pyrenoid, and an eyespot apparatus that senses light.
Sequence Statistics
No Sequences | 16706 |
No Amino Acids | 8284288 |
Min Seq. Length | 1 |
Avg. Seq. Length | 495.887 |
Max Seq. Length | 21952 |
Seq. Length 1σ | 585.406 |
Disorder Prediction Statistics
Predictor | % Genome Disordered | % Genome Disordered in SCOP Domains | Avg. % of Seq. Disordered | Avg. % of Disordered Regions in SCOP Domains | Avg. % of Seq. Disordered and in SCOP Domains |
VLXT | 50.108 | 5.275 | 44.654 | 18.537 | 6.371 |
VSL2b | 54.931 | 4.270 | 49.465 | 15.839 | 5.182 |
PrDOS | 46.515 | 2.831 | 44.580 | 12.530 | 3.533 |
PV2 | 61.875 | 5.985 | 57.661 | 17.400 | 6.972 |
IUPred-S | 24.905 | 0.972 | 23.357 | 9.674 | 1.425 |
IUPred-L | 33.618 | 1.459 | 30.523 | 13.306 | 1.965 |
Espritz-N | 46.927 | 3.527 | 38.868 | 14.960 | 3.761 |
Espritz-X | 34.070 | 1.021 | 29.763 | 8.098 | 1.397 |
Espritz-D | 9.326 | 0.478 | 38.416 | 6.357 | 3.849 |
% Amino Acids with SCOP Assignment | % Sequences with SCOP Assignment | No of Domains | No of Superfamilies | No of Families | Avg. Family Size | Avg. Domain Length | Domain Pairs | Unique Domain Architectures |
26 | 46 | 10686 | 942 | 659 | 11.3 | 496 | 822 | 2696 |